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Lambs RCA Read Aloud

Lambs has taken on the Ron Clark Academy house system. 

The purpose of the House System is to maintain a safe, respectful, and positive environment that is conducive to learning. This House System will assist in creating and maintaining a positive culture at Lambs where high academic and behavioral expectations are achieved. It also brings our students together across grade levels and creates positive relationships with staff. The goal is to foster camaraderie, collaboration, and leadership among students. We want each student to gain a sense of belonging at Lambs! Each of the four House has a name and color that symbolizes the positive characteristics and qualities that we want to instill in our students. 

Please enjoy this read aloud of the book "The House Where We Belong" by Kim Bearden, read by our amazing 24-25 school year teachers and staff!

The Lambs House system is based on
the Ron Clark Academy House System.
You can find information on RCA at
their website:


Lambs is a %22Heart Safe School!%22
Lambs is a "Heart Safe School!"

Proud to say Lambs is a "Heart Safe School!" Recently, we conducted a drill in partnership with MUSC Children's Hospital to practice life-saving strategies such as CPR and the use of an AED! While we hope to never have to use these strategies, we are thankful for the learning opportunity and proud to be Heart Safe!

¡Orgulloso de decir que Lambs es una "escuela segura para el corazón!" Recientemente, realizamos un simulacro en asociación con MUSC Children's Hospital para practicar estrategias para salvar vidas, como RCP y el uso de un DEA. Si bien esperamos nunca tener que utilizar estas estrategias, estamos agradecidos por la oportunidad de aprendizaje y orgullosos de ser Heart Safe.

Lambs Admin Celebrating Halloween!
Lambs Admin Celebrating Halloween!

Our Administrative staff answer to the call every day to make Lambs a safe and secure environment for all students! 


Nice group Halloween costumes, admin!

Lambs Staff Celebrating Halloween!
Lambs Staff Celebrating Halloween!

Teachers and Staff at Lambs came together to celebrate Halloween in their finest!

Lambs 24-25 Fall Fundraiser- Color Run
Lambs 24-25 Fall Fundraiser- Color Run

The Annual Lambs 24-25 Fall Fundraiser, the Color Run, raised over $12,000 to go towards student achievement and field trips for each student to take part in throughout the school year!

So incredibly proud of our sweet school and very thankful to each of you who donated, volunteered, or shared our posts! We are pleased to announce we raised $12,388.63! Each dollar will go towards supporting our incredible students! Thank you!!!


¡Increíblemente orgulloso de nuestra dulce escuela y muy agradecido a cada uno de ustedes que donaron, se ofrecieron como voluntarios o compartieron nuestras publicaciones! ¡Nos complace anunciar que recaudamos 12.388,63 $! ¡Cada dólar se destinará a apoyar a nuestros increíbles estudiantes! ¡¡¡Gracias!!!

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Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Jame Smith, Grade 8

Praesent commodo cursus magna, nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Joe Smith, Grade 5